Author: YiP
The path to independence
Completing seperation from the UK, establishing an independent Scotland, and joining the EU are only likely to take around 4 years.
Unionist parties frequently work together in Scotland to exclude the SNP from power
Unionist parties like Labour and the Tories frequently form alliances to take power in councils across Scotland and exclude the SNP.
Scotland’s housing can only improve
The UK hyper-inflated private housing market is the worst in Europe. After independence Scotland can fix this.
Scotland can adopt the Euro when it’s ready
When Scotland joins the EU it can adopt the Euro when it’s ready. There’s no requirement to adopt it immediately. In fact no country joining the EU has immediately adopted the Euro – many still haven’t!
Scotland will benefit from removing Trident
Scotland will benefit from removing Trident, without reducing security.
Scotland could re-join the EU in 2-5 years
All assessments suggest Scotland could re-join the EU in 2-5 years after independence is regained.
Scotland is a Nation within the UK
The UK is a multi-nation unitary-sovereign state. Scotland is one of the nations within it.
Scotland’s media virtually all oppose our return to Independence
Scotland’s media virtually all oppose our return to Independence. Virtually all media in Scotland is owned by UK companies or foriegn billionares who are opposed to Scotland becoming independent.
Scottish parties are excluded from UK Government
Scottish parties are excluded from UK Government. And always have been.
Why does the Scottish Office cost so much?
The cost of the Scottish Office has shot up – why does it cost so much more than the Welsh Office? What benefit does it bring to Scotland?