Yes in Pictures

Category: Pop-up Banners

  • How is Scotland funded?

    How is Scotland funded?

    Currently most public spending for Scotland is controlled by Labour or the Tories – either directly from Westminster, or via the Local Councils they control. After independence all public spending for Scotland will be controlled by Scotland.

  • Pensions


    Pensions will be safe after Independence – either the UK Government will continue to pay them as now, or it will agree for the Scottish Government to do this on its behalf.

  • Scotland’s Route to Independence

    Scotland’s Route to Independence

    A pop-up sized illustration of the process for Scotland regaining its independence and getting back to the centre of Europe as part of the EU, together with justification for why joining the EU is only likely to take between 2-5 years.

  • How is Scotland funded?

    How is Scotland funded?

    Currently most public spending for Scotland is controlled by Labour or the Tories – either directly from Westminster, or via the Local Councils they control. After independence all public spending for Scotland will be controlled by Scotland.