Yes in Pictures

Category: Society

  • Why is a Scottish Immigration Visa Essential?

    Why is a Scottish Immigration Visa Essential?

    Labour promised to consider a Scottish immigration visa – until they got their turn at power in Westminster. At which point they u-turned. But why is one essential? Firstly, Scotland’s population growth is much slower than England’s – and has been for some time. Although more people move to Scotland than leave, our birth rate…

  • Looking at rural Scotland

    Looking at rural Scotland

    Scotland’s 2022 Census data recently became available at local level. You can find it here. It now has sufficient detail to allow quite small areas to be analysed. This is one such analysis created for Yes Tweeddale, which encompasses a rural area of the Scottish Borders. Demography and migration Adult Lifestage Those of working age…

  • Winter Fuel Payment – more Westminster austerity

    Winter Fuel Payment – more Westminster austerity

    On 29-Jul-2024 the Labour government in Westminster announced the removal of winter fuel payments for millions of pensioners [1]. This austerity measure was not part of the party’s manifesto for election. As a result the money paid by Westminster to Scotland as the Scottish Government’s budget is to be reduced by £160m [2]. However responsibility…

  • Scotland is short-changed by the BBC

    Scotland is short-changed by the BBC

    Broadcasting remains entirely under the control of the UK Government. Whilst in Scotland many pay a licence fee, the BBC is unaccountable to the Scottish Government. The result is a public broadcaster that strongly represents the UKG Unionist position in its news and current affairs, and provides content very much under the production control of…

  • Who’s working hardest on Alcohol-related Deaths?

    Who’s working hardest on Alcohol-related Deaths?

    Scotland has a long-standing issue with alcohol-related deaths. The rate of deaths is higher than in England and Wales – but this issue existed well before the Scottish Parliament was even set up.

  • What’s a “hate crime”?

    What’s a “hate crime”?

    Whenever the Scottish Parliament passes a bill, it is used by unionist parties and their media as a signal for anti-Scottish Government propaganda. We saw this with the GRR and DRS bills, and the same happened with Hate Crime. So what are the facts? The Scottish Hate Crime law “Hate crime” is the phrase used…

  • The UK: Where It Pays to be Rich

    The UK: Where It Pays to be Rich

    The top 20% in the UK have seen a big rise in disposable incomes over the past few decades. The bottom 20% haven’t been so lucky. The UK: where it pays to be rich.

  • How UK Governments block Scotland’s Priorities

    How UK Governments block Scotland’s Priorities

    Since the UK Internal Market Bill was introduced as part Brexit the UK Government has been given much greater abilities to block the Scottish Government and roll back devolution. GRR and the DRS are two examples of this happening.

  • Who controls Scottish Councils?

    Who controls Scottish Councils?

    Most Scottish Councils are lead by Westminster parties – Labour, Tories or Lib Dems. They are the ones who control most Council spending, not the SNP – despite the impression you might gain from the UK media in Scotland.

  • Scotland has the most educated people in Europe

    Scotland has the most educated people in Europe

    Compared to other European countries, Scotland has the most educated people – this is a continuing trend.