Author: YiP
Scotland would be better off Independent
After regaining independence, Scotland’s economy can thrive. Our most important sectors that have a large rUK export element are looking good to grow after independence, when Scotland is back in the EU.
The BBC in Scotland
Unpopular, unwanted; little more than propaganda. That’s the BBC in Scotland.
Is Labour more likely to fix inequality?
Whoever’s in power in Westminster, inequality never changes.
A Unionist’s guide to Scotland
Labour and the Tories often promise change in Scotland in areas they don’t control.
Scotland’s future is back in the EU
Putting Scotland back in the centre of Europe, as part of the EU will restore access to EU funding schemes that benefit society and business.
Labour and the the Tories will never address income inequality
Labour and the the Tories will never address income inequality – because they fight to appeal to Tory swing-voters for their turn at power in Westminster.
Pensions will be safe after Independence
Pensions will be safe after Independence – either the UK Government will continue to pay them as now, or it will agree for the Scottish Government to do this on its behalf.