Yes in Pictures

Scottish attitudes are different

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Scottish attitudes are different to those that are commonly found in England. We’re a different country! It’s instructive to consider what these mean – usually our attitudes contradict the policies that Westminister parties force on us, and tell uis we have! Only by regaining Independence can Scotland get the policies that we want.

Government, Tax, NHS

Government and the Scottish Parliament

Large majority strongly prefer a Scottish Government (avg 71%).

Level of tax and spend and government priorities

A large majority would agree to higher tax/spend and more fair income distribution (66%); education/income equality/economy should be top government priorities (20%).

National Health Service in Scotland

Regarding Scotland’s NHS: People are mostly satisfied but see falling performance. The Scottish Government is considered most effective at addressing this falling performance.

Standard of Living, Economy, EU

Economy and Standard of Living in Scotland

Standard of living: a large majority in Scotland think this has fallen (63%).

Economic performance: a large majority think this has fallen (66%). A large minority believe that this mostly due to UK Government policies (31%) and that the Scottish Government is best placed to improve them (45%).

European Union

In Scotland a large majority (62%) would vote to rejoin the EU. An even larger majority (70%) think Brexit has been a failure.



Only 27% of Scottish people want a reduction in immigration: a significant minority want increased immigration (38%). More want an increase than a reduction (38% vs 27%).

Attitude to Immigrants

A large majority of Scottish people reject negative statements on the impacts of immigration in a range of areas:

  • Economic (79%)
  • Demographic (jobs, innovation) (88%)
  • Social (population) (80%)
  • Cultural (art, music food etc) (79%).
Attitude to Immigrants

A Large majority of Scottish people reject negative statements on the impacts of immigration in a range of areas:

  • Burden on the welfare system (66%)
  • Take jobs away (85%)
  • Make crime worse (71%).


Public opinions and social trends, Great Britain: October 2023 – ONS

Scottish Social Attitudes survey 2021/22 – Scottish Government

Brexit Survey Aug-2023 – YouGovAttitudes to Immigration: A view from Scotland, Migration Policy Scotland, Sep-2023


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